Everybody knows there’s nothing better than a well-dressed man, so why not steal a couple chapters from their style playbook? After all, who would Johnny Depp be without a white t-shirt and bohemian beads, Nick Wooster without fearless street style, and my Dad without a pair of funky socks?

Menswear can be just as playful and fun as women’s fashion; however, a clean and well-tailored look has always been my preference. Starting like every (unisex) fashionista would, I began this look with a great fitting pair of jeans from Stephanie Horne Boutique. I quite literally chose a matching top in other words completing my two-tone Canadian tuxedo. To combat these cruel temperatures, I channeled my inner Peter McCallister with this A New Day camel coat.

Following in suit of the recent trend of dressy hiking boots in the men’s shoe department, these duped sneaker boots from Target helped tie together a look that was both casual and completely my style. To add a bit of femininity, my Warby Parker specs and assortment of mix-matched jewelry did just the trick.
So next time you hit a style rut, try browsing the men’s department and taking some notes from our bearded counterparts!