As much as I love my new home and all the excitement NYC brings, the city lifestyle comes with an inescapable caveat: stress. Bombarded with a busy schedule, an unwarranted cold, a never-ending job hunt, and a whole lot of people, the blood has been a’boiling. So for the sake of my own sanity and maybe some of yours too, here’s a snippet of tips to keep your heart, body, and mind happy.

1. Stay equipped with the right playlist at all times to revive your mood whenever necessary. Whether you need focus, a pick-me-up, motivation, or some relaxation, music is one thing always in your control.
2. CALL YOUR FAMILY, they always say the right things.

Dress: Topshop / Shoes: Topshop / Earrings: Anthropologie / Purse: Vintage / Bralette: Aerie
3. Never underestimate a long shower to calm you down and wash away the bullshit of the day
4. Keep the friend group messages alive to rant throughout the day and purge the little stuff before it builds up. Not to mention they’re always good for a laugh.
5. Even if the day is looking grim, dress to the nines and FLEX on the negativity. Showcase your most flattering feature, show off your go-to piece, and take control of your attitude before you even leave the door.

6. Find time for yourself daily. So often we’re concerned with every responsibility and every unchecked box on your list, it’s almost easier to keep your head down and keep grinding. Prevent the breakdown with a daily 25 minutes dedicated to you. Waking up a little earlier to enjoy a cup of tea, reading a book instead of emails on the subway, or getting a quick workout in can relieve more than you think.

7. Plan a trip somewhere, anywhere! Let yourself get excited, plan as obsessively as you wish, and give yourself a goal that makes all the stress worth a reward.
8. Hug an animal, they have untapped super powers and chronic optimism unknown to humans.
9. Perform a random act of kindness. Happiness is contagious and in more cases than not, what you take for granted someone else is dreaming about. Never know where it might lead.

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