Of all the discrepancies in life, the summer weather months to winter weather months ratio is pretty high on my list of unfortunate events. While cooler temperatures drag on glacially (pun intended) our wardrobe can start to feel repetitive and lackluster as our summer clothes lie where the grass is greener (ok, i’ll stop). While avoiding the right garments along with some layering techniques, I’ve found the easiest and cheapest solution is to simply wear those summer pieces anyway!
Step 1: Select Your Summer Garment
Of course there are some articles of clothing that simply can’t carry over such as your daisy dukes or halter tops, but overall you should try to avoid thin materials, patterns that scream summertime, and statement pieces that aren’t conducive to layering. I went with this Zara frock as polka dots don’t discriminate against seasons and I wanted a little break from pants for a change.

Step 2: Layer
For starters, when wearing a dress in cooler temperatures, tights are a given. Along with my over the knee boots I opted for a simple pair of sheer hoes. On top, I threw on this graphic crewneck to cover my arms and disguise my dress. Layering long sleeves and sweaters underneath dresses are always an option, however layering on top transform the original garment into an entirely different article of clothing, expanding your closet even more.

Step 3: Add Some Weight
For some shape accentuation and additional warmth, layering once more with a jacket or coat complete the look. To keep my look more casual, my H&M bomber did the trick, but a trench or duster would have also worked-don’t be afraid to play with mixed hem lines!

As we inevitably start to catch Spring fever, dip your toes into your warm weather pieces and have some fun extending your wardrobe with these three easy tips!